Four Model A Fords

Four Model A Fords, Antique Car Show, Sully Historic Site, Chantilly, Virginia

Four Model A Fords, Antique Car Show, Sully Historic Site, Chantilly, Virginia

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Four Model A Fords

Four Model A Fords on display at the Antique Car Show at Sully Historic Site in Chantilly, Virginia on Father’s Day this past summer.  This line up just cried out for a monochrome treatment with a slight tint, in this case the Selenium tone from Nik Software’s Silver Efex.  Click here for definitive guide to one of the greatest cars in American history.

If you own any Nik Software products (such as Silver Efex Pro and HDR Efex Pro like I do), you probably already know that Google bought the company recently.  That’s not the news though.  What’s important is that you transfer your customer info over to Google if you want to get support or upgrades.  This is the official notice from Google:

Going forward, Google would like to provide you high-touch technical support for the Nik Software products. In order to be able to do this Google needs to receive the information that Nik Software has about you and your past software purchases such as your name, email address, purchase history, and any other interactions you have had with Nik Software. We ask for your agreement to transfer this data from Nik Software to Google Inc. This data will be used by Google for the purpose of providing you high-touch technical support for Nik Software products if you request such support. The data that is transferred to Google will be subject to the Google Privacy Policy.

The deadline for transferring is December 7, 2012.

Four Model A Fords
Article Name
Four Model A Fords
Tinted monochrome image of four Model A Fords at the Antique Car Show at Sully Historic Site in Chantilly, Virginia
Publisher Name
Mark Summerfield
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  1. I love these old cars Mark. Nicely captured. I was aware of the Nik thing but don’t understand why there is a deadline. If you miss it you don’t get support? Not customer friendly.

    • The whole issue of having to formally transfer your registration and purchase history did not make any sense to me but I went ahead and did it anyway. I also do not understand the deadline.

  2. Perfect in B&W Mark. I feel like I’m looking at an old turn of the century photograph.

  3. Pete Halewood

    Loving this image Mark, a fantastic vintage looking photo! It definitely works with the classic cars. All you need now is a few Al Capone type gangsters posing in front of them!

    Thanks for the news regarding Nik Software, will have to look at that.

  4. Really nice work on this picture Mark.

    The toning suits it perfectly and it looks even better when viewed large!


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