Street Photography China Part 2

Street Photography, Local Hardware Store, Changle Lu, Shanghai

Local Hardware Store, Changle Lu, Shanghai

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Street Photography China Part 2

Today we continue our quick posts of some of the Street Photography images I captured whilst walking the streets in China.  In the last post we looked at a couple of portraits.  Today the focus is on the most used means of delivery – the tricycle.  When these images were captured peddle power was still the main means of moving anything and everything. The first image is of a local hardware store with the trike outside already loaded and ready to go.  The second shows just how much was loaded on these man-powered vehicles and ridden through the streets.

Street Photography, Heavily Laden Tricycle Making Local Deliveries, Nanjing Road, Shanghai

Heavily Laden Tricycle Making Local Deliveries, Nanjing Road, Shanghai

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Street Photography China Part 2
Article Name
Street Photography China Part 2
Today the focus is on the most used means of delivery - the tricycle. At the time peddle power was still the main means of moving anything and everything.
Publisher Name
Mark Summerfield
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  1. I am jealous, I was in Asia a couple times, not shooting though, nice stuff

  2. This reminds me of Kathmandu back in the late 1960s – the same chaos and clutter. The only difference being that most things were carried in baskets on the back supported by head bands, or on the ends of long poles.

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