Greathouse Cellar, Whim Plantation

Wagon Wheels and Barrels, Cellar of The Greathouse, Whim Plantation, St. Croix, US Virgin Islands

Wagon Wheels and Barrels, Cellar of The Greathouse, Whim Plantation, St. Croix

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Greathouse Cellar, Whim Plantation

A quick post today of three images captured in the cellar of the Greathouse of Whim Plantation, St. Croix, US Virgin Islands. We will visit the Greathouse  and some of the other sights of the plantation in other posts.

Press and Storage Jar, Cellar of The Greathouse, Whim Plantation, St. Croix, US Virgin Islands

Press and Storage Jar, Cellar of The Greathouse, Whim Plantation, St. Croix

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Once outside the Greathouse, there was a self-guided tour which allowed for exploration of areas which most tourists would not think about visiting. In this case, the cellar provided some great photographic opportunities.

Wagon Wheels, Cellar of the Greathouse, Whim Plantation, St. Croix, US Virgin Islands

Wagon Wheels, Cellar of the Greathouse, Whim Plantation, St. Croix

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I have finished this series of images in black and white. The filtered light in the cellar actually made the original colored images have a rich tone which I did not think was appropriate for the subject matter. I have also added a dark sepia tone in Nik Silver Efex Pro as a finishing touch.


  1. Cool shots Mark. I lvoe the shoadows and light play in the third one 🙂 Nice work.

  2. very cool shots Mark, nice processing choices!

  3. Terrific images mark. I think the B&W choice adds great tones, textures and age to them.

  4. Mark Neal

    These shots are perfect in b&w, Mark. Very nice work.

  5. Totally awesome B&W images, Mark. Processed to perfection. All great shots here. Nice job!

  6. Andrew Marston

    Awesome b/w toning. Really draws out the texture. The first one was a good lead image. Well done.

  7. Great shots Mark. They’re perfect in B&W.

  8. Gotta love images like this. They feel very rustic and have their own special charm. Nice job.

  9. Metro DC Photography

    Great texture! One of the things I love about B&W images, the texture you notice the most.


  1. Greathouse, Whim Plantation, St. Croix, US Virgin Islands - [...] cool the house.  There is a door in the moat leading to the cellar where the B&W images “Cellar…

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