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The idea behind this effect was to produce a series of images which looked like they were from the Victorian era – a very weak color which may have been originally black and white but then hand-tinted. These images were not the ultra sharp images we see today. As this was to be a series of images not a single, the process needed to be easily repeatable but completely adjustable image by image.
The original image was processed in Lightroom for the global adjustments. Once the processing was completed in Lightroom it was then taken as a “Copy with Lightroom Adjustments” into Photoshop where it was converted to a Smart Object. By working on a copy the original file would always be saved and available for other uses.
What had now become Layer 0 through the conversion to Smart Object was then duplicated. The eye symbol on the duplicate layer was then clicked to turn the visibility off whilst the original Layer 0 was processed.
Nik Software Color Efex Pro Glamor Glow filter was then applied to Level 0. The slider adjustments depended on the original image. I found that the darker the green of the leaves were, the more adjustment was required to the shadows as these needed to be subdued so that they did not dominate the image.
Once satisfied with the Glamor Glow effect, a second filter was applied. Nik Software Silver Efex Pro Soft Sepia filter then used. I found that the default settings worked fine for most images.
A Curves Adjustment Layer was applied if necessary. I clicked on the curve at the mid-point and 75% point to lock these into place. The shadows were then lightened as necessary, again to prevent the dark leaves from dominating the image.
The Layer 0 copy then had the visibility turned back on by clicking where the eye symbol was. The blend mode was then changed to Dissolve and the opacity reduced to somewhere between 20 and 40%.