Horse Head Hitching Post

Horse Head Shaped Iron Hitching Post, Lincoln Street, Savannah, Georgia

Horse Head Shaped Iron Hitching Post, Lincoln Street, Savannah, Georgia

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Horse Head Hitching Post

Whenever visiting a new city I love to just wander the streets looking for interesting details, such as this horse head shaped hitching post.  This one, though, was not found whilst actually walking the streets.  We had been touring the historic district of Savannah all day capturing the wonderful architecture and other sites the city has to offer and were in need of some refreshment.  We decided to visit the famous haunted 17Hundred90 Inn for a drink before deciding where to go for dinner.  It was whilst enjoying our drinks that I spotted this hitching post out of the window.  I guess a photographer never completely relaxes!  We may not have experienced any of the hauntings but at least I came away with some interesting images.

The angle of view was a little limited as I did not want to have anything in the background which gave away the fact that these images were made in the 21st century, even though I used as wide an aperture as possible to focus all of the attention on the details in the casting.

I could not resist finishing one of the images in the dark sepia tone you see below.  It just seemed like the right thing to do.

Horse Head Shaped Iron Hitching Post, Lincoln Street, Savannah, Georgia

Horse Head Shaped Iron Hitching Post, Lincoln Street, Savannah, Georgia

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Horse Head Hitching Post
Article Name
Horse Head Hitching Post
Study of a horse head hitching post in Savannah, Georgia in both color and sepia toned monochrome.
Publisher Name
Mark Summerfield
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  1. Two great images, Mark. Looking forward to seeing some of the other goodies from Savannah.

    I was some 20 miles away from there earlier this year but ran out of time and didn’t get to spend a day there (regrettably).

  2. It’s amazing the cool stuff that most people pass by and take for granted, great eye!

    • Many thanks, Mike. I guess its just the eye for detail that comes with being a photographer that helps us see the things that many other miss.

  3. Great eye Mark. It’s a mazing what you can find and see when you take the time to look.

  4. ‘….A Photographer never relaxes’. That sounds so familiar! Relax and you miss and image. I prefer the composition of the first shot – I wonder what that would like in sepia. Well seen, Mark

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