Savannah Triptych

Savannah Triptych

Savannah Triptych

My intent with the Forsythe Park image was to create a triptych print.  I processed over 20 images using the preset as a starting point but could never find two more to complement the original.  I created a template in the print module in Lightroom into which I was able to try various combinations of the processed images.  No matter which combination I tried I could not get two other to complement the original Forsythe Park image.  As I tried various combinations of images which for me best represented the Historic District I kept coming back to two of the images and it was only when I replaced the Forsythe Park image with the Savannah Accents image that the whole creation came together.


  1. Very nice trio of images. I have been trying to get to Savannah for years and these make me want to go even more.

  2. I think you’ve chosen the perfect three images to compliment each other. Nicely done Mark!

  3. Nicely done! I like how you’ve arranged and processed these.

  4. These work beautifully together. I love the B&W choice. Well done.

  5. Marc Collins

    Great job with the processing here Mark.


  1. Forsythe Park Savannah - […] the image to be opened in Photoshop as the Split Tone created with the Gradient Map discussed in an…

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