Rusting Chevrolet Pick-up Truck

Rusting Chevrolet Pick-up Truck, San Ildefonso Pueblo, New Mexico

Rusting Chevrolet Pick-up Truck, San Ildefonso Pueblo, New Mexico

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Rusting Chevrolet Pick-up Truck

After Monday’s mammoth post I thought I would keep today’s story as short as possible.  This abandoned rusting Chevrolet Pick-up Truck was spotted as we were leaving the San Ildefonso Pueblo, New Mexico.  I have some wonderful images from the San Ildefonso Pueblo, which is the closest Pueblo to Santa Fe and well worth a visit (I would highly recommend anyone wanting to visit to visit the Pueblos to read the best guide to the Pueblos in the Santa Fe area).  I will be publishing these later in the year.

This is a single shot RAW file that was first processed in Lightroom.  A quick trip to Perfect Effects was then needed to bring out the details in the rust which are such an important part of this vehicle’s character.  A combination of the presets Just Enough Darkness and Moulin Rouge masked to affect only the rusty areas did the trick.  I then brightened the white on the back bumper and the word Chevrolet on the tail gate.  The finishing touch was a low opacity application of the preset Dirty Money limited to just the dirt in the foreground.

On returning the image to Lightroom, all that was needed was a Highlight Priority Vignette to darken the edges.

For anyone interested in trying Perfect Effects they have a free trial download.  If you like the product and would like to purchase it please use the code MSIMAGES for a 15% discount.  This discount coupon will expire on March 3rd, 2013.

Article Name
Rusting Chevrolet Pick-up Truck
An abandoned rusting Chevrolet Pick-up Truck at the San Ildefonso Pueblo, New Mexico.
Publisher Name
Mark Summerfield
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  1. Great find, especially with that really cool unique fence behind it

  2. Absolutely terrific shot, Mark! I really love these old vehicles, like you I see beauty in their wear and character. Wonderfully shot and processed my friend!


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