Winery at La Grange

Winery at La Grange, Antioch Road, Haymarket, Virginia

Winery at La Grange, Antioch Road, Haymarket, Virginia

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Winery at La Grange

La Grange is a historic farm surrounding a 1790s manor house just north of Haymarket, Virginia. It was originally carved out of Robert “King” Carter’s Bull Run Tract in the 1600s. The property changed owners many times over the next four centuries but fortunately the George Green built manor house survived. The current owners acquired the property in December 2005 with the goal of opening a high-quality winery.

When it opened on Labor Day 2006, the Winery at La Grange was the only winery in Prince William County. It was not, though, the first. Several vineyards and wineries existed in the County in the 1800s and early 1900s. La Grange was seen by County officials and locals as a return to the wine-making roots of the area. The renovated manor house acts as the tasting room.

The wines produced in the area have always been of a quality that has drawn admiration as well as awards. In the 1800’s a 40-acre vineyard on the nearby Annaberg Estate owned by Robert Portner produced an award-winning port-style wine. A bronze medal was awarded at the 1900 Paris Exposition for a port-style wine called “Pride of Virginia Port” that was made from Portner’s grapes by Washington, DC winemaker Christian Xander.

As illustrated by the collection of medals hanging from the necks of the bottles in the image below, the winning of awards continues at La Grange today.

Display of Award Winning Wines, Winery at La Grange, Antioch Road, Haymarket, Virginia

Award Winning Wines, Winery at La Grange, Antioch Road, Haymarket, Virginia

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Virginia is home to a great many wineries. Visiting them on an a sunny afternoon can be a great deal of fun. They provide some interesting photographic opportunities even if you do not sample their wares.

Winery at La Grange
Article Name
Winery at La Grange
La Grange is a historic farm surrounding a 1790s manor house north of Haymarket, VA. It was Prince William County's first winery to open in the 21st century
Publisher Name
Mark Summerfield
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  1. Yellow Barn - […] found this barn as we were heading to see La Grange historic farm and its winery.  One of the…

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