Fly-in to Victory Ground Crew

Fly-in to Victory Ground Crew

Re-enactors as Fly-in to Victory Ground Crew, Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center, Chantilly, VA

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Fly-in to Victory Ground Crew

In an earlier post we looked at the Reflections of the Fly-in to Victory Day at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum’s Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center in Chantilly, Virginia. Not only were there the warbirds for everyone to admire but there were also a group of reenactors representing the Fly-in to Victory Ground Crew.  As with the planes like the P-51 Mustang Ain’t Misbehavin’ getting clear shots of these authentically dressed re-enactors without visitors or other trappings of modern life in the picture was very difficult.  In fact, this was the only shot I was able to get of just the re-enactors.  I did, though, have to use Photoshop to carefully remove the ropes and stands which kept the visitors off of the runway which you see in the background.

I used a combination of tools in Photoshop to remove the unwanted objects in the background.  I followed this with the plug-ins from On-One Software and others has enabled me to create a detailed finished appropriately tinted to represent the period that the re-enactors clothing perfectly represented.

Fly-in to Victory Ground Crew
Article Name
Fly-in to Victory Ground Crew
At Fly-in to Victory Day at the Steven F Udvar-Hazy Center in Chantilly there were reenactors representing the ground crew for the warbirds
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Mark Summerfield
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