Lord Sterling’s Quarters

Lord Sterling's Quarters, Valley Forge National Historic Park, Pennsylvania

Lord Sterling’s Quarters, Valley Forge National Historic Park, Pennsylvania

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Lord Sterling’s Quarters

Lord Sterling’s Quarters, although within the boundaries of Valley Forge National Historic Park, is not on the main driving tour.  To reach this you need to cross the Knox Covered Bridge (this is also sometimes known as the Valley Forge Bridge) and head along Yellow Springs Road.  The house, which is not open to the public, is just less than half-a-mile further on the right-hand side.  There are a couple of other interesting sights down side turnings on the left before you reach Lord Sterling’s Quarters.

I felt that this image would be better as a B&W.  Because Valley Forge was the winter home of the Continental Army, the bright colors of summer when I visited were not appropriate.  This is an old transparency which after cleaning up the scan was processed entirely in Nik Software HDR Efex-Pro.  I added the black rounded border to make the photo look a little more like an old fashioned postcard.  I tried a light sepia tone to finish the postcard effect but did not like the final result.


  1. Really outstanding B&W processing, Mark. Lots of nice detail. Nice work!

  2. The B&W gives this a timeless feel. Great choice

  3. Great choice of B&W Mark. It does add to the feel. I grew up near Philadelphia and I used to visit Valley Forge a lot. Well done.

  4. nicely done Mark and the BW looks great!

  5. I think the Black and White treatment looks absolutely fantastic here! Very nice shot and interesting info!

  6. Very nice BW conversion. It is its own art and the tones balance very nicely here.

  7. beautiful place, BW …

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