The Colors of New Mexico

Turquoise Door and Dried Chillies, The Colors of New Mexico, Taos

Turquoise Door and Dried Chillies, The Colors of New Mexico, Taos

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Happy New Year to all!

Here in the Mid-Atlantic we are in that muted, almost colorless period between the firebrand explosion of fall and the winter wonderland that comes with the first snowfall.  I have chosen for the first image of this New Year a complete contrast from what is outside my window.  This simple shot is a great example of the bright, cheerful colors of New Mexico.

Back in September we spent a week in New Mexico visiting Santa Fe, Taos and some of the surrounding towns and pueblos.  This image is from Taos and shows part of a gate painted in the typical bright Turquoise that is used in this area.  Here it is in wonderful contrast with an unpainted wooden fence from which is also hanging a garland of dried chili peppers.

The Colors of New Mexico
Article Name
The Colors of New Mexico
Part of a bright Turquoise gate one of the colors of New Mexico, contrasted with an unpainted fence and a garland of dried chili peppers
Publisher Name
Mark Summerfield
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  1. Terrific colors Mark. Very vivid.

  2. Great abstract, Mark. Definitely southwest colors!

  3. that is EXACTLY like NM, I go there a lot and love shooting there with so much beauty, well done Mark

  4. Happy New Year, Mark!

    Lovely southwest colors in this shot, man. Nice and vibrant. Would love to visit that place about now. 🙂

  5. A wonderful detail shot! I love the colors. They definitely evoke the southwest. Well done!

  6. I LOVE the three different colors at play here, and all the textures they reveal! A shot that speaks of the area, for sure, Mark, well done!!

  7. Love the colors and textures Mark. Well seen!


  1. Windows of the World - [...] I took the advice of my pal Mark Summerfield (Comment below) and converted the cropped version of this image…

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