Adobe Architectural Details

Adobe Architectural Details, Church Square, Dixon, New Mexico

Adobe Architectural Details, Church Square, Dixon, New Mexico

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 Adobe Architectural Details

Whilst going through my images to produce the recent posts on Santa Cruz and Espanola, New Mexico I realized that I had a great many shots of the varied architectural details of both Pueblo and Pueblo Revival architecture which have never been seen on my website. Today I thought I would showcase a brief sample of these.  No commentary is needed on these wonderful features.

Adobe Architectural Details, Picuris Pueblo, New Mexico

Adobe Architectural Details, Picuris Pueblo, New Mexico

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Adobe Architectural Details, San Ildefonso Pueblo, New Mexico

Adobe Architectural Details, San Ildefonso Pueblo, New Mexico

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Other examples of the unique architecture of New Mexico can be found on my posts of San Jose de Gracia Church, Shrine of our Lady of Lourdes and Hilltop Tower Kiva

Many of the images in this post as well as the others suggested were made in the Pueblos of the Rio Grande.  One of the best guides to this area was written by Daniel Gibson.  I highly recommend this to anyone considering a visit to this region.

Adobe Architectural Details
Article Name
Adobe Architectural Details
Showcase of some of the unique adobe architectural details of both Pueblo and Pueblo Revival architecture in New Mexico
Publisher Name
Mark Summerfield
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1 Comment

  1. Very simple features but they all have a style beyond that simplicity. I particularly like the slanting timbers through the half-moon of the first shot. Nice find, Mark

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